
White tea is famous for its completely different taste after transformation in the later stage, and as the age increases, time not only increases expectations, but also increases the charm of the tea itself.

Photography by Ming Yuan

The fragrance of white tea has captured the hearts of many tea lovers. Every time white tea is brewed, every time the tea soup is finished, you will smell the tea fragrance on the lid of the bowl.  
White tea is famous for its completely different taste after transformation in the later stage, and as the age increases, time not only increases expectations, but also increases the charm of the tea itself.
Just like a person, when we meet for the first time, the impression is neither strong nor weak, and we can’t say whether there are special features or not, but they feel very comfortable to get along with. When you spent more time with each other, you can slowly trust them, you are always looking forward to meet again.
Maybe this person has gone to the mountains for a while and brought you back some wild fruits, a little wild honey, or a handful of beautifully colored flowers; went to the plum forest and brought back some sweet and sour plums for you; or just played happily in the lotus pond, holding the lotus leaf in the hand; maybe just went to play with herbs and brought a bunch of herbs with unique, bitter taste; or just found a delicious dessert shop, and ate a little chocolate, with a bit of bitter taste in the sweetness of chocolate; Sweet jujubes, with a bit of jujube fragrance in warm winter days; it is also possible to steal the mouth and eat a few zongzi, with a little aroma of zongzi leaves; it is also possible to drink a cup of freshly ground and cooked soy milk, bringing It has a bean fragrance; of course, it is also possible to drink a glass of milk, with a lovely milk fragrance.

The above-mentioned fragrance of flowers, fragrance of millet, fragrance of chocolate, fragrance of milk, fragrance of beans, fragrance of plum, fragrance of dates, fragrance of rice dumpling leaves, fragrance of medicine, etc. are the enigmatic fragrances of white tea.

Baihao Yinzhen (silver needles with white hair) has the most hair. It is mainly composed of milli fragrance, supplemented by a touch of floral, milky or chocolate aroma. It is long-lasting, among which the milky and chocolate aromas are unique to silver needles, and has a sweetness that lingers in the throat for a long time, and this is what the industry calls "scented honey rhyme";

White peony tea has less milli-alkali content, so the floral fragrance it releases will overwhelm the milli-scent. The floral aroma is the main one, supplemented by the milli-scent. It is mellow and elegant, sweet and soft. If it has a strong floral fragrance and soy milk aroma, it is a rare and good product. Especially the peonies that were only made in those years have a distinct bean fragrance. After a few years of storage, the bean fragrance will gradually turn into a plum fragrance.

The content of tea in Shoumei is the least, so the fragrance of tea is relatively light, and the fragrance of flowers is more obvious. The fragrance of flowers and grass in Shoumei is combined to form a unique fragrance of flowers and plants, and the fragrance of rice dumplings. . As the champion of mass production, Shoumei is also the most common type of old tea. Shoumei is also made into cake tea more often. In the good natural transformation of cake tea, a unique aroma is produced, which is Zaoxiang. , Those who have jujube fragrance, probably only have better quality Shoumei cakes. Compared with Baihao Yinzhen and Baimudan, the medicinal fragrance of Shoumei will appear later, of course, it is also related to the quality.

White Tea Wilderness 4g

sunny afternoon
Chinese Spirituial Character:
mild, neutral
Recommended Occasion:
summer, morning, lazy afternoon

White Tea White Peony 4g

dried raffia, cacao, working man’s jacket, maple syrup
Chinese Spirituial Character:
mild, neutral
Recommended Occasion:
summer, morning, lazy afternoon